◆ Harm of Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is the second most common malignant tumor among women globally, with an incidence rate second only to breast cancer and an extremely high mortality rate. Currently, the population affected by cervical cancer is trending younger, and the incidence rate is gradually increasing. The cause of cervical cancer is persistent infection with high-risk types of HPV (Human Papillomavirus).
◆ What is HPV?
HPV stands for Human Papillomavirus. It is a type of papillomavirus belonging to the Papillomaviridae family. HPV is a spherical DNA virus that can cause proliferation of squamous epithelium in human skin and mucous membranes. It has the ability to immortalize normal cells and exhibits high species specificity and special epitheliotropism. The viral DNA exists in an integrated form within the host cells.
HPV virus types are mainly divided into two categories: low-risk and high-risk. There are about 12 types of low-risk HPV, which do not cause cervical cancer but can lead to various genital warts or mild cervical cell changes. These types include 6, 11, 40, 42, 43, 44, 53, 54, 61, 72, 73, and 81. High-risk HPV types can cause abnormal changes in cervical cells, which, if not treated promptly, may develop into cervical cancer. These types include 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, and 68.
HPV virus gene structure: Early region (E), Late region (L), and Upstream Regulatory Region (URR).
The genetic structure of HPV is divided into three regions: the early region (E), the late region (L), and the upstream regulatory region (URR). The early region is mainly involved in virus replication, transcription, translation, and regulation functions; the late region genes express structural late proteins, encoding major capsid protein L1 and minor capsid protein L2 of the virus particle; the upstream regulatory region contains a non-coding area with replication origin and transcription factor binding sites, regulating DNA replication by controlling viral gene transcription.
In the early region, E6 and E7 proteins are the main oncogenes. The E6 protein binds to the P53 tumor suppressor protein through E6-associated protein mediation, leading to P53 degradation and reduced function of tumor suppressor genes, while also initiating the cell cycle and inhibiting cell apoptosis. The E7 protein is a small oncogenic protein composed of about 100 amino acids. E7 protein interacts with cellular pRb gene protein and its related proteins to form complexes, causing pRb gene degradation and releasing transcription activation factors from the gene complex. These factors can bind to DNA, promoting the expression of cell proliferation-related genes, leading to excessive cell proliferation and ultimately resulting in cell immortalization or tumor occurrence.
The coding regions for the two viral capsid proteins L1 and L2 are located in the late region. As cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions progress, the expression level of L1 protein shows a gradual downward trend; the lower the L1 expression, the higher the possibility of lesions. L1 is a late structural protein of HPV that can spontaneously assemble into virus-like particles. It has numerous repetitive antigenic epitopes with strong antigenicity and immunogenicity, capable of inducing the body's B cells to produce neutralizing antibodies, thereby preventing viral infection. Therefore, L1 protein is an important target antigen for research on genetic engineering vaccines to prevent and treat HPV infection. L2 encodes the minor component of the capsid protein, acting on viral DNA assembly within virus particles and binding to receptors to promote viral gene transformation. L1 protein, in synergy with L2 protein, encapsulates viral nucleic acids to form complete virus particles. The virus particles then interact with host cells through L1 protein to complete cell adsorption.
◆ HPV Infection Pathways
The process from HPV virus infection to lesion development is relatively long. After HPV enters the basal cells of the epithelium through injured areas of the skin or mucous membranes, the viral DNA enters the cell nucleus with the assistance of the capsid protein L2. The early proteins E1 and E2 of HPV begin to express, but at this stage, the copy number is generally low. As the host cells migrate upwards and differentiate, the proteins required for viral DNA replication increase, promoting large-scale replication of the viral genome.
In the terminal stage of viral infection, the early protein E4 and late proteins L1 and L2 begin to express. The new virus particles formed by late proteins and the genome are released from the cells with the help of E4, initiating the next round of infection.
The Life Cycle of HPV Virus in Human Epithelial Cells.
◆ HPV Preventive Vaccines
Research shows that most HPV infections are self-limiting, with over 90% of infected individuals able to clear the virus through their own immune system within 1-3 years. Only persistent infection with high-risk HPV types can lead to cervical cancer. Vaccination is the most effective means of controlling the occurrence of cervical cancer. Currently, there are two types of vaccines: preventive vaccines that are already on the market, including the well-known bivalent, quadrivalent, and nonavalent vaccines; and therapeutic vaccines that are still in the clinical stage.
Preventive vaccines utilize virus-like particles (VLPs) assembled from L1 proteins obtained through different expression systems. These VLPs can induce virus-neutralizing antibodies and memory responses in the body, thereby protecting against HPV infection. VLPs have good antigenic activity but do not contain genetic components and cannot replicate. Several HPV vaccines are currently available on the market in China.
Photo credit:freepik
Currently, expression systems that have been successfully applied to the exogenous expression of HPV L1 protein include insect cells, S. cerevisiae, P. pastoris, and E. coli. Among these, the yeast expression system can efficiently secrete and express exogenous proteins while also possessing post-translational modification capabilities. This allows the HPV L1 protein to fold correctly and form virus-like particles (VLPs), giving it significant advantages compared to other expression systems.
Yeast Expression Process
✦ Company Introduction
LKtime Biotech has established recombinant protein expression platforms for Pichia pastoris and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, capable of providing full-process development services from Gene to IND, as well as early clinical sample preparation, with a development cycle of 9-15 months. The company has built a mature 500L microbial fermentation and purification production line that meets GMP requirements, capable of providing drug substance preparation at scales of 10L-50L and 500L.
◆ References
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